Please click on the link below to connect with a Property Consultant to assist you with your interior design or investment property services.
Whether you are looking for a loan to refinance, renovate, or purchase a brand-new house and land package, choosing the right finance professional to help you with the best home loan option for you can be crucial in maximising your financial investment.
At Impact Designs & Property Solutions we work closely with a team of professional finance brokers who can help you from the beginning in calculating your potential borrowing capacity and present you with different options to suit your investment property strategy and your home loan refinance.
Once you have your budget finalised, we can then proceed to the next step, selecting your proposed turnkey house and land package!
We will then work closely with your bank, or your broker, to assist with any information they may need for your finance approvals and your house and land settlement processes.
Once your home is under construction, we will coordinate any build invoices with your lender along the way to streamline your time so you can relax and enjoy your weekends and your investment property experience with us.
A smart investment takes time and research.
Our professional Property Advisors can provide you with a thorough property analysis report to help you in your decision when selecting your brand-new turnkey house and land package Australia wide.
The home packages we provide are for owner occupied homes, Australian and foreign property investors, and NDIS approved homes.
We have selected to work with quality builders that will provide a high standard, as well as provide a genuine care approach in their customer service.
Once you have selected your property package from the options and resources we have provided you, our team will then coordinate all the services you will need from the beginning until the end of your build process when we hand over the property to you, or your tenant.
With access to a team of qualified property advisors, interior designers, property managers, builders, building inspectors, conveyancers, solicitors, accountants, finance brokers, financial planners and many more.........
We believe we have all the areas of expertise covered to assist and streamline your investment, or your own property journey right from the concept plan stage all the way until the keys are in your hand!
This simply means you can actually have time to enjoy your weekends while we are busy working behind the scenes on your behalf.
You will be provided with regular updates and photos along the way, which we know can bring peace of mind, especially if you are building your property interstate.
So, to connect you with the service you will need when selecting and building your brand-new home is literally only one call away!
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“We did not come to fear the future.
We came here to shape it.”
Barack Obama
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”
Abraham Lincoln
“He who pays not no attention to his future is always penalized.”
Dr T.P Chia